Tag Archives: Pipeline Fellowship

Angel Investing – “Back to School”

As a Keyboard with "Back to School" Button.parent, Septembers were always filled with the chores of “back to school” – books to be purchased, sharp pencils, the search for that perfect lunchbox….. As an angel investor, September also puts me in a “back to school” frame of mind. At Golden Seeds, I have the privilege of overseeing The Knowledge Institute, which houses our Investor Training Series. Our fall sessions in New York begin in September when members are back from summer vacations. In preparation for our training sessions, I am constantly looking for new resources, books, etc. to continue to enhance or improve our training materials.

Although by no means an exhaustive list, here are some resources that I have found to be quite helpful: Continue reading

Angel Investing – Flying Solo or Joining an Angel Group

Once you have made the decision to become an angel investor, you need to decide if you want to fly solo or join forces with an angel group to make your investment decisions.

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